Social Media App

Last update: Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024
Dev: anon
Tools: Rust (Axum) backend, TypeScript (SolidJS) frontend, GraphQL, Cassandra database

>>/wdg/101872211 [desu] >>101876129 [desu] 2024-08-13 20:58:19

Getting close to a prototype.

I have posted on /g/ a few times. A while back, I was using React via NextJS and planned on using Kubernetes and ScyllaDB. Since then, I have switched to SolidJS for performance reasons and I'm loving every moment of it! It has allowed me to use vanilla TS libraries and make my frontend static (alternative would have been wouter in React land).

I also migrated from REST to GraphQL (it makes writing the frontend straightforward).

I also halted my plans of using Kubernetes and ScyllaDB for now, in order to be able to host my site for minimal costs.

Now, it looks like I'll host the client with Cloudflare Pages, the API and Auth servers with some container runner like AWS App Runner, and the database with a serverless solution like AWS Keyspaces.

I think I'm getting close to having something basic!