Last update: Thursday, 9 May 2024
Dev: kalanis
Tools: php, filesystem, html, js

>>/wdg/100380640 [desu] >>100399119 [desu] 2024-05-09 23:44:41

Version 4.1 is live. The main thing is the finalization of newer version of Uploader which has gone through the major overhaul, extended usage of DI-based autoloading, putting the configuration array into bootstrap and some other changes for php8 and minor nice-to-have things. The lowest supported php version is 7.4, but it is not recommended anymore. The underlying packages with libraries are also available for other frameworks.

>>/wdg/98993765 [desu] >>99007281 [desu] 2024-02-15 21:42:50

Finally put current version online as source of my own personal pages; also the same code runs some sub-domains there. The current version is 4 which got some updates from 3 like DI or path syntax. The public repo contains different setup from the actual pages.

>>/wdg/90315927 [desu] >>90364344 [desu] 2022-12-18 02:12:59

Changed Clipr module, repo and its libraries - tasks now need to have response status code in accordance with Unix definitions. Added basic repo for work with map coordinates. [/code]

Coordinates: Does not contain the most useful ones. I extending it in separate non-public project, passing calculations from pyproj module.

Also refactored google-maps-services to more modern approach with tests.

>>/wdg/87487347 [desu] >>87488175 [desu] 2022-06-25 00:13:23

Table engine kw_table updated. Can create a table from different sources and render it to different pages. Contains the usual stuff like filtering, ordering and paging. It allows some cool stuff like filtering by multiple form fields over one column (can be seen on image). If you want more just extend the interfaces with your framework. My fault that it was not connected on packagist, so zero usages now. Continuing with other packages. [/code]

Available table data sources: my kw_mapper (with some magic deep there like filesystem tables or ldap), Doctrine, dibi, Nette Available table outputs: my kw_template, Blade, Twig, Latte, json, CLI from kw_clipr Filtering and that stuff available now via kw_forms or Nette Plan with tables: Extend to be simple usable with Laravel, Symfony and some other frameworks and its setting can be done by definitions in YAML file.

>>/wdg/87431703 [desu] >>87438063 [desu] 2022-06-21 02:00:54

Updating tests with github workflows, scrutinizer, phpstan and phpcsfix. Added badges to (some) subproject repositories. kw_clipr is fully tested and available. [/code]

>>/wdg/87127886 [desu] >>87136338 [desu] 2022-05-29 14:41:16

Updated cli component clipr - to run tasks from cli. Now contains only basics and one outside testing task with processing table via the same code as is on web. Updated virtual environments - repos with both vagrant and docker contains both php 7.4 and 8.1, mariadb and postgres and a few bonus things. [/code]

>>/wdg/87001369 [desu] >>87009659 [desu] 2022-05-20 06:16:06

Done basic part of table engine and its dependencies which should be usable across the different frameworks. Now it only contains my basic templates, json and cli as outputs and my mapper, Doctrine, Nette and dibi as data sources. But not everything is under unit tests and some things might not work. I am preparing Vue for output and full Nette support with filter fields. Sometimes in far future it should got a table ganerator from yaml/neon files which allows to render the same table setting on different outputs. Mapper underneath has nearly full support of files and databases with the same api for everything. The probably most horryfying things are LDAP, MongoDB and Windows Registry support. [/code]

>>/wdg/86856401 [desu] >>86875885 [desu] 2022-05-10 01:41:55

kw_mapper subproject got a large step - working alias tree translation and 3 databases with running tests. So it’s possible to use that as simple ORM like Doctrine without that anontation buzz around. [/code]

kw_mapper is a ORM with separated layers of mappers, records and entries - that allows me to exchange mappers on-the-fly and target it to the different data storages like files or databases. So it’s possible to use one record to process data on more storages and yet it will behave nearly the same way.

Basic layer is Record (like db line) which contains Entries (like each db column with data). The Mapper itself stays outside and tells how to translate data in Record to storage.

Now I need to test joins with real data and at best the circular references (one table points to itself and it still runs as expected). Then it’s time to do tests and the stuff on kw_table which is (unsuprisingly) table generator with different inputs and outputs. I really like the idea of using only that one engine on different sources. The same way for kwcms, Doctrine and Vue, Nette and Latte or Dibi and Json. Also do not forget Cli as output. With the same core code and tests.

>>/wdg/84907508 [desu] >>84911272 [desu] 2021-12-24 18:19:21

Done admin of galleries, uploading large files and user accounts [/code]

My christmas present was finishing touches over managing users and groups. The war with administration of galleries has been won. In the meantime I add module which allows to upload huge files which is based on another repo of mine.

>>/wdg/83990870 [desu] >>83996542 [desu] 2021-10-25 13:27:24

One night idea: Nice things for forms and authentication - tested auth for accessing content and extension of form rules for checking the signature of values inside the form. Salt everything, allow certificates. [/code]

It allows site to check that values inside the form is the same ones like the sender says. Make MitM attack problematic.

>>/wdg/83633385 [desu] >>83659591 [desu] 2021-10-04 09:20:54

Basics are done, now waging a war with gallery administration, in future admin and configuration[/code]