4chan archive search
Last update: Thursday, 21 Mar 2024
Dev: anon
Tools: vanilla JS
Link: https://4search.neocities.org/
>>/wdg/99574200 [desu] >>99601902 [desu] 2024-03-21 16:31:19
Added a router function. So it's not /#g anymore, but just /g. If there are any errors with the navigation, let me know. (werks on my machine)
>>/wdg/98945710 [desu] >>98988450 [desu] 2024-02-14 17:27:59
Finally added advanced search, switched to a tab system and did some minor style changes and bug fixes
>>/wdg/98945710 [desu] >>98949227 [desu] 2024-02-12 05:41:05
Added archive.alice.al, archive.palanq.win and eientei.xyz