
Last update: Sunday, 18 Apr 2021
Dev: KingOfCaves
Tools: node, react, express, icecast, liquidsoap

>>/wdg/81208615 [desu] >>81210827 [desu] 2021-04-18 19:17:53

sites back up. went down so that i could update a few things and move the raspberry pi that’s hosting the radio. all of the beta updates are now on the root domain and the beta site is now down. thank you to the people who helped me test! need to fix a few more significant issues with the stylist and add a few more things to the help window. also have a big ass folder to update the music library with twice as much content.

>>/wdg/81026426 [desu] >>81028518 [desu] 2021-04-06 23:31:11

beta is up @ code is still a mess, but at least everything seems to be working nice. still need to transition from using localStorage to indexedDB like that one anon suggested. mobile support is way more flushed out in the beta version and looks and works a lot better. not sure what else to add other than cleaning things up and working on a subdomain specifically for the music streams.

>>/wdg/80215091 [desu] >>80220703 [desu] 2021-02-15 23:55:16

need to clean up code, kind of a mess. keep adding features without really paying attention to clean code. working on a styling system for windows. might need to go back and change how colors work though instead of using hardcoded colors for light, medium and dark borders.

>>/wdg/79959578 [desu] >>79972238 [desu] 2021-01-31 18:36:02

working on a central system of opening and closing windows, as well as changing themes and changing root styling of windows (light, dark, and other themes) and being able to save those colors eventually.